【教育創新案例】透過商校協作 培養學生企業家精神 | 路德會協同中學
September 5, 2022
「學生學習不過只是依照步驟,做完就罷了?」帶著這份迷思,路德會協同中學的老師Peter (鍾富源老師) 決定透過商校協作,幫助學生將學習扣連真實場境,藉此培養出企業家精神!
Peter 與多間公司攜手,跳出購入服務嘅思維,共創開拓及創新設計科 – 全級中四學生花一個學年時間,先認識設計思維,再配對公司,針對機構和市場的痛點,設計出產品,解決社會問題。學期末更邀得跨界人士到校做評審,讓學生吸取寶貴意見!參與課程的樂齡科技公司負責人 Richard (梁渭聲先生) 亦指,學生的表現令他喜出望外,同時很高興能幫助學生認識社會!
學生需要的,是一個舞台。一個交流的機會,就可以讓他們發光發亮!你又是否願意像 Peter 般發揮創意,跟跨界有心人合作,為學生多行一步呢?
Jockey Club Ednovators Learning Collective is organized by Ednovators and sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, joining hands with education innovators from around the world to co-design a series of cross-sector dialogues and experiential workshops, with the goal to foster community-wide co-learning, incubate school-based transformations and connect innovators, digging deep into learners’ needs under the New Normal and co-creating a better future of learning in Hong Kong that response to these needs.
訂閱教育燃新電郵通訊,密切留意賽馬會「教育要創變」跨界共學計劃最新動態,參與共學活動! https://bit.ly/ednovators_enewsletter
Ednovators is a local charity founded by a group of education innovators. We inspire educators and cross-sector stakeholders to transform education and give hope to future generations of Hong Kong. We hope to see every child experience a learning journey that recognizes their unique gifts and needs, prepares them for a future that we don’t yet know, and empowers them to create their own meaningful lives. Ednovators is a tax-exempt charity (No.: 91/14481) under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong.