March 25, 2021
- 與學生說說笑話,幽默感能使大腦分泌多巴胺,減低壓力,增強記憶
- 平日讓學生回想自己所犯的錯,鼓勵他們提出解決辦法,減低他們在考試中犯錯的機會
- 回想個人的成功片段,例如贏了比賽、畫了一幅滿意的圖畫之類。這些片段有助提高學生的自信及減低壓力
- 提醒學生並非 「 一試定生死 」 。沒有一個考試或測驗足以代表他們所學到的東西,它只是用來評估當刻學生對那些題目的理解,學習歷程還包括各類學習活動、專題研習、筆記和作品集等,這些加起來更能反映學生的整個學習歷程及對科目的理解
About Us
Ednovators is a local charity founded by a group of education innovators. We inspire educators and cross-sector stakeholders to transform education and give hope to future generations of Hong Kong. We hope to see every child experience a learning journey that recognizes their unique gifts and needs, prepares them for a future that we don’t yet know, and empowers them to create their own meaningful lives. Ednovators is a tax-exempt charity (No.: 91/14481) under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong.