【英國考察】生態系統思維下 看得見的未來技能
March 31, 2023
今趟英國學習之旅,我們把握機會與跨界創新者對話,分別邀請了社會企業 Skills Builder 分享他們未來技能培育的框架,以及國際社創組織 SIX(Social Innovation Exchange),透過不同社會創新案例,了解社創連結跨界的力量,並思考如何將當中的價值融入教育,同時照顧學生與社會的需要。
Ednovators is a local charity founded by a group of education innovators. We inspire educators and cross-sector stakeholders to transform education and give hope to future generations of Hong Kong. We hope to see every child experience a learning journey that recognizes their unique gifts and needs, prepares them for a future that we don’t yet know, and empowers them to create their own meaningful lives. Ednovators is a tax-exempt charity (No.: 91/14481) under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong.