April 26, 2023
FEiA 計劃進入第三年,樂善堂余近卿中學(余中)教師團隊沉澱三年間的學習與得著,得出連結學生、產生共鳴的三大要素:
1. 同行:余中的迎曦學院 活動強調師生同行參與,著重陪伴與交流,如一起爬龍舟等。這種共同經歷令學生更信任老師,老師亦更了解及照顧同學的定位及情緒。
2. 鼓勵:不少余中學生曾在小學時期經歷失敗與挫折,因此余中老師著重為學生製造成功機會,少責罵多鼓勵 ,正面認同學生,從而更了解學生需要,學生亦得以成長。
3. 團隊精神:要在人才流動下,仍能保持學習進程,就要著重建立團隊文化,關顧同工身心健康。當大家保持正面態度,上層有效調配資源與釋放同事時間,前線老師便能有創意地與學生齊探索生涯的不同可能,共同做好事情。
Ednovators is a local charity founded by a group of education innovators. We inspire educators and cross-sector stakeholders to transform education and give hope to future generations of Hong Kong. We hope to see every child experience a learning journey that recognizes their unique gifts and needs, prepares them for a future that we don’t yet know, and empowers them to create their own meaningful lives. Ednovators is a tax-exempt charity (No.: 91/14481) under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong.